Responsibilities of Executive Board

The President shall:

  • Chair all Executive Board and general meetings.
  • Prepare the agenda for all meetings.
  • Write cover letter for meeting notice and communicate this information.
  • Appoint ad-hoc committees as needed to meet specific objectives.
  • Oversee maintenance of NJCHA website.
  • Take custody of the NJCHA banner, bringing it to general meetings and displaying it at the host college.
  • Take custody of the NJCHA camera, bringing it to the general meetings and taking pictures or arranging for another attendee to take pictures during the meetings and special events.
  • Thank hosting colleges for hosting meetings.
  • Support the vice president with general meeting sites and speakers.
  • Be an ambassador to other professional organizations and other interest groups where NJCHA representation is warranted.
  • Greet and thank the vendors at each general meeting.
  • Serve as the archivist for the association and pass along archival information to the subsequent president.

The Vice-President shall:

  • Attend all Executive Board and general meetings.
  • Find locations for general meetings.
  • Suggest future program topics using feedback from member evaluation and survey sheets.
  • Following the June Executive Board meeting, contact the colleges who have agreed to host meetings for the upcoming academic year and confirm dates.
  • Contact potential speakers and book dates.
  • Function as the primary contact with host colleges for meeting location, campus directions and map, parking arrangements, food/catering number of attendees and audiovisual needs, etc. At this time, the Host College Responsibilities are e-mailed to the host college with cc to the corresponding secretary.
  • Communicate with speakers regarding arrangements for upcoming general meeting and cc any written communication to the corresponding secretary.
  • Arrange for dissemination of speakers’ topic material.
  • Communicate with the treasurer about budgetary constraints, costs, and payment for the room fee, parking, food/catering and any other costs associated with a general meeting, including the continuing education program.
  • Apply to the accrediting board for contact hours and maintain program records in accordance with the Board’s requirements.
  • Distribute program evaluation forms and meeting and continuing education surveys at the beginning of each general meeting to attendees.
  • Coordinate the drafting of program brochures with the corresponding secretary.
  • Fulfill the duties of the president in his/her absence.

The Corresponding Secretary shall:

  • Attend all Executive Board and general meetings.
  • Update the Application Brochure for Membership and send it to all individuals listed in the NJCHA Directory in mid- to late October.
  • Edit and update the NJCHA website as needed
  • Disseminate emails on upcoming general meetings and other communications as directed by the President.
  • Ensure that information received from the vice president for the upcoming general meeting is posted on the website.
  • Mail/e-mail the President’s Letter, meeting agenda/application, campus directions and map to all paid members (via the NJCHA listserv) and to the director of every institution of higher education in N.J. with a student health service before each general meeting.
  • Communicate any other announcements as decreed by the president.
  • Handle all the correspondence for NJCHA unless it is outlined as a duty of another NJCHA Executive Board member.
  • In conjunction with the treasurer, maintain custody of name tags and NJCHA logo directional signs for the general meeting.
  • Maintain current Executive Board member roster.
  • Assist the President with the marketing and branding of NJCHA.
  • Maintain website with the president and website vendor.
  • Send a formal thank you note to each vendor who attends the general meeting.

The Recording Secretary shall:

  • Attend all Executive Board and general meetings.
  • Record accurate minutes of all meeting.
  • Send Executive Board and general meeting minutes to current Board members and active President Emeriti within two weeks after the meeting for review.
  • Send general meeting minutes to the members via Listserv two weeks before the next general meeting.
  • Maintain and store copies of all minutes from tenure in office in an orderly fashion via Google Drive. Ensure the minutes are passed to the next recording secretary.
  • Assist the corresponding secretary as needed and send correspondence as needed.

The Treasurer shall:

  • Attend all Executive Board and general meetings.
  • Maintain and oversee NJCHA’s banking accounts to include a minimum balance, checking and interest bearing account.
  • Conduct all banking transactions in a timely manner. Checks must be deposited as soon as possible or within 2 weeks of receiving.
  • Pay all bills, only after receiving a receipt.
  • Maintain and document all income and disbursements, for what and the amount.
  • Maintain accurate records of individuals who pay membership dues. Forward the membership form to the corresponding secretary as soon as possible, but no longer that two weeks after payment.
  • Maintain a list of college health personnel registered to attend general meetings.
  • Communicate with the corresponding secretary the number of guests registered to attend the general meeting per host’s deadline. Only an additional five members should be added to total attending the general meeting.
  • Issue a paid receipt to individuals requesting one at the meeting.
  • Collect a payment of Vendor Fee from participants per meeting unless the vendor is a corporate member with NJCHA.
  • Maintain and update the NJCHA directory

The Presidents Emeriti:

  • Serve as non-voting members of the Executive Board and participate in Executive Board meetings as they are able.
  • Provide guidance to the Executive Board officers.
  • Mentor the Executive Board president in proceedings of the association
  • Provide a historical perspective in the decision-making process.