Membership Levels

Level Price  
Individual Regular Member

$50.00 per Year.

Institutional Member

$50.00 per Year.

Corporate Sponsorship

$250.00 per Year.

Associate Individual Membership

$50.00 per Year.


Individual Regular Member

Open to anyone currently involved in providing health services to students of an institution of higher education in New Jersey. A regular member has the following benefits:

  • Eligible to vote
  • Can nominate annual award and election candidates
  • Access to the NJCHA listserv
  • Access to the members-only section of the NJCHA website including Directory Information
  • Can hold office in NJCHA
  • Discounted registration fees for NJCHA meetings

Institutional Member

Institutional membership is open to any institution of higher education in New Jersey. Upon payment of institutional membership dues, each member institution shall designate one Representative of the Member Institution (RMI). The RMI serves as the NJCHA contact, receives all institutional membership information, plus a free Individual Regular membership. This is also the address that will be used in the online Membership Directory. The RMI is accorded all privileges of individual regular membership in NJCHA.

Associate Member

Associate membership is open to anyone who is not eligible for regular membership. Associate members have the following benefits:

  • Nominate an “individual regular” member for a NJCHA annual award
  • Attend general meetings at the individual regular membership rate
  • Join the NJCHA listserv
  • Have permission to access to the members-only section of the NJCHA website upon application to and approval of the president of NJCHA.

However, Associate members cannot:

  • Vote or participate in the election process
  • Hold office in the New Jersey College Health Association

Corporate Sponsorship

Open to health and business organizations that may wish to support NJCHA in furtherance of its objectives. All corporate memberships must be approved by the NJCHA Executive Board. Corporate members may designate representatives who may attend NJCHA’s general meetings at regular membership rates. Corporate members are not charged a vendor’s fee for a table at NJCHA’s annual meetings. Limitations of membership are the same as an associate member. Corporate members cannot join the NJCHA listserv.