Who We Are

The NJCHA is a distinguished association that highly values each and every one of our members.
The History of NJCHA
The history of the New Jersey College Health Association (NJCHA) dates back to the late 1970s, when a group of visionary college health nurses in New Jersey came together with the intention of forming an organization that would provide a platform for networking, information sharing and mutual support for nurses working in the college health sector. These dynamic individuals recognized the need for a specialized forum dedicated to promoting collaboration and communication amongst nurses in this field. Over the years, the NJCHA has grown into an exceptional community of professionals who remain committed to advancing the quality of care provided to college students in New Jersey. The organization remains as vital and committed today as it was when it was formed, and continues to be a leader in promoting best practices and facilitating knowledge sharing in the field of college health nursing.
About Us
The initial group of nurses disbanded the organization within a few years, but the concept continued to draw strong interest. In December 1981, a core group of nurse leaders emerged from colleges around the state with the goal of reactivation of the New Jersey College Health Association. The nurses met at Princeton University and drew up a constitution for the New Jersey College Health Association which was ratified on February 22, 1982 at Middlesex County College. Please review the reactivation letter. The goal was for NJCHA to serve as a not-for-profit organization for college health professionals employed by institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey. The organization was governed (as it is today) by an uncompensated volunteer executive board consisting of a president, vice-president, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and president emeritus. The executive board meets a minimum of four times per year. Members also volunteer for other leadership roles in NJCHA by chairing committees such as By-Laws, Elections, Annual Awards, Elections, and Archives.
NJCHA offers three (3) general meetings and continuing education programs per year open to anyone working in the field of college health. The continuing education portion of the program provides affordable accredited nursing contact hours to attendees. Accredited education contact hours are required by state licensing boards and national credentialing agencies and provide an avenue to renew the prestigious national Board Certification in the specialty of college health nursing.
NOTE: NJCHA is an independent professional organization and not affiliated with the American College Health Association.
NJCHA Members
Years in Operation
Conferences Held